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Muslim American Community - Tribute
Associates of Iman Muhammed (AIM)
Call now to consult
1-267-601-4848 ext 105
Muslim American Community - Tribute
Associates of Iman Muhammed (AIM)
Let us pray...
May Allah grant His favor and promise upon the Prophet and positive Muslim in this community to be successful. (Qur'an 3:104)
As Allah tells us in the Qur'an 3:110 "You are the best of people, involved for mankind, in joining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah.
Donation can be done for checks (name for checks: Russell Tinsley), money orders and deposits to Bank Of America a/c #381051723505. Routing # 021200339.
Address: P.O. Box 105576, Atlanta, Ga 30358.
Contact Us (267-601-4848 ext 105)
As shown by Bunia Muhammad at this website Muslim American Community. For more information and to get an interview and speaking engagement about the contents of his book. The name of the book is the African American Muslim Leadership Reformed and as associates of Imam W Deen Mohammed. Please call to setup your interview with Bunia Muhammad at 702-850-2393 ext 105.
In this preface may Allah bless you to understand the importance why we the Muslims must stand out firmly united on truth and justice in Al Islamic way. As an African American true Muslim and believer and Tauhid, this is just some of our struggles of Jihad in the cause Allah, to earn Allah's favors.
In this book you will find my letters memos and articles as well as to include my speeches on Dawah from a Salasi in light of the Noble Qur'An and Sunnah (calling to Salasiyyah of the Salas, as Salas us Saalih) (The Madhab of the Salas calling to "La lilaaha Allah") utilizing the language, logic, and common sense! explanation text! of reform thinking based on the vision of some of our scholars and Iman W. Deen Muhammad.
This is my universal message to the Muslims Ummah (community and the entire world of humanity). From the African American Muslims leadership reformed taken on the responsibility to lead humanity this universal message has come at a time when our Muslim Ummah must unite as one world community Al Islam. Indeed, it is at a time in our history it is most needed. Especially since, we need to change the face of Islam from the news media, government control Imam and leaders, and those who try to hijack our deen (faith), who distort, tarnish and darken it.
We who are the true Muslims are not terrorist, radicals or extremist nor are we misguided, except for those who are anti Islam and make false religious rationalization about our Deen Islam and Muslims, faith. They are more specifically misguided and are making terrorist act about this deen of Islam and Muslim.
The proceeds of the donation is for your copy of this book and it will help us to purchase The Islamic mosque at 650 Geary St San Francisco CA by Bunia Mohammed/ AKA Russel Mac-T Tinsley. Please make your contribution today.
This book must be read for more detailed information. You may call us at any of the following numbers:
• 702-850-2393 ext 101
• 1-888-202-1699 ext 105
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The Book is available for download but please make your donation first.
Please remember to purchase this book or to make your Charity Donation in the cause of Allah.
Per a fun raiser benefit event get a free copy of this book for your donation.
You can also get your copy of this book by visiting our E-store by clicking on this link you can also visit, (England),,, & Ebay for your copy of the book.
Get your subscription to the Muslim Journal because our young people shall lead the way and see the full picture. They will continue to learn how to pick up the mantle passed on by Malcolm X (Al Hajji Malik Al-Shabazz,).
Representing the honorable Elijah Muhammad and creation of the Muhammad Speaks newspaper in the 1960's.
Inherited by our Muslim leader Imam W. D. Mohammed in 1975 and today, with our new contemporary leadership they will continue to utilize the unique language and school of thought ushered in by Imam W.D. Mohammed speaks.... (Insha Allah)
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For your invited Guest speakers:
Warith Deen Mohammad II
Son of Imam W Deen Mohammad
The President of The Mosque Care/Ministry of Imam w Deen Mohammad
Sister Laila
(Daughter of Imam W Deen Mohammad)
Activist, Lecturer and Poet
Sister NGina Mohammad
(Daughter of Imam W Deen Mohammad)
Accounts Receivables/Vendor billing of the Muslim Journal
Bunnia Mohammad
Son and Representative of the Mosque Care
(ministry of imam W Deen Mohammad)