Here is an updated petition for your review. Please review and share the petition to win the fight and abolish the injustice law
Petition to Abolish orReform the New Jersey SVP Civil Commitment Law
TheNew Jersey SVP Law is no different than any other state that has this
unfairand cruel law.
Thesymbol above is associated with the legal system and the principles
of fairnessand equity.
Then why is it that the symbol of justice, is wearing a blindfold? Is it
because the legal system only wants tosee, what it wants to see? Plus, she
is carrying a sword, in order to protectand to cut through to the truth.
But isn't carrying a sword an illegalweapon, which is breaking the law.
what truth is she protecting, certainlynot the accused offender?
Eleanor Roosevelt once stated, "Justice cannot be for one side alonebut
must be for both which needs to be fair and equal".
Sowhy is it that sex offenders are the only ones civilly committed, why
notall offenders, where is the fairness?
TheSexual Civil Commitment Law is one sided, cruel, unfair, and does not
meet thestandards of the justice system, which is supposed to be fair for
both sides.
Whatever happen to "We the People, by the people, for the people"? Did
Americabecome one sided so politicians who make the law, can look good
forre-elections, instead of what is fair?
Thepeople of this great nation need to stand together as one, and act
now, toabolish this unfair law, in order to be fair for both sides of the
Sen. Joe Morrissey, and Del. Patrick Hope, both Democratic, from
Virginia, co-sponsored legislation that would end the state's authority to
civillycommit sex offenders. He argued that the current system is unfair
and punishesoffenders twice for the same crime "We don't sentence people
because ofwhat they might do," he said. "That's abhorrent to everything
thatour democracy and our criminal justice system believes in."
ST.PAUL - A federal judge has sternly warned theLegislature to change
the sex offender program or face a court-orderedintervention." The time
legislative action is now,"
U.S. District Judge Donovan Frank wrote, "The politicians of thisgreat
state must now ask themselves if they will act to revise a system that
isclearly broken, or stand idly by and do nothing, simply awaiting
Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton stated that , " It is really impossible to
predict,whether or not (Sex Offenders) are at risk. The Minnesota Sex
Offender Program(MSOP) requires predications about whether or not sex
offenders "are at risk toreoffend" if such predictions are "impossible "
the whole law is acrock.
Thestate of New Jersey, Civilly Commits Sex Offenders, after they have
servedtheir sentence. Once committed they are placed in a facility called
the SpecialTreatment Unit (or is it a Concentration Camp), for sex
offenderstreatment. Treatment is based on one size fits all. While in a
group settingfor treatment, they are required to take the floor to discuss
all of their sexoffenses and non sex offense crimes. All of the offenders
in the grouptell the person discussing their crimes on what he did wrong
and how to correcthis issues, so it doesn't happen again, a real joke.
Remember these sameoffenders are there for the same reason. If the person
taking the floor arguesback, he is considered to be on Treatment Refusal.
If he doesn't take the floorbecause of being afraid of talking in front of
people or retaliation from theresident, he is put on Treatment Refusal. So
where is the treatment, how can headvance to the next step to get release?
It should be designed to fit theoffenders needs, on a one-on-one bases, if
treatment really works in the firstplace. If there is going to be a
treatment program, then it should be fora reasonable time limit, not for
indefinite period of time. Theseoffenders, even with treatment, are held
until the state believe they will notreoffend again in the future, (which
is impossible to know) which couldbe a life sentence (better known as a
Death Sentence), in order toprotect the public. Minnesota Gov.
MarkDayton said it best, " It is really impossible topredict, whether or
not (Sex Offenders) are at risk. The Sex Offender Programrequires
predications about whether or not sex offenders "are at risk
toreoffend" if
such predictions are "impossible " the whole law is acrock.
Theseoffenders are called Residents, not Prisoner (prisoners have a
change toget released, after their sentence, not residents), and they are
treated worsethan prisoners. Plus, there is no proof that the treatment
works. The statecivilly commits these offenders based on what they call
abnormalities, Bi-PolarDisorder, ADHD Disorder, Anti-Social Disorder,
Level Intelligence, or anyother disorder that they can come up with, so
they don't have to release theoffender. Plus, since the Covid-19 Pandemic
started in 2020,treatment programs for residents have been either very few
or none.
Theyare Civilly Committed because the state says they need
treatment, whyare they still being held, if there is no treatment being
Isn'tit enough punishment in what these offenders have gone, or will go
1. Time served in Prison.
2. Indefinite time periodfor treatment.
3. Probation for Life.
4. Sex offender Registryfor Life.
5. Posters aredistributed all around their community for the neighbors'
to see who a sexoffender is.
6. The embarrassment theoffenders' family endures, is this fair to
There is no other criminal offense thatpunishes you twice. Even criminals
who commit Murder (Spouse, Parents,Children, or another person) isn't
sentence twice, or is it all about themoney?
Thecost to maintain a civilly committed offender is roughly $190,000.00,
peroffender. There are approximately 650 sex offenders civilly committed
theState of New Jersey for a total of $123,500,000.00 annually.
thereis about 6,500 Civilly Committed Offenders at a cost
of$1,235,000,000.00,annually, not counting the Parole Supervision expense
tomonitor offenders annually if they happen to be lucky enough to get
released. Don't you think this money can help the people of the State of
New Jerseyor the Nation, to have a better life (Social Security, Medical,
Education,Shelter, Food, Jobs, Taxes, Etc.)?
Ifthe justice system is designed to exonerate the innocent, and punish
the guiltywhich is fair for both sides:
1. Why would we lock upmen who served their time in full?
2. Why is there a onesize fits all, treatment program?
3. Why would we placeresidents on Treatment Refusal if they are afraid
to discuss their crimes outof retaliation, if they are there for
4. Why would we lock upmen for what they MIGHT do in the future?
5. Why would we lock upmen with no definitive release date?
6. Why would we targetone offense to lock up potential future crimes?
7. Why would we sentenceoffenders for Parole for Life after Lock up,
and still Civilly Commit them?
8. Why would we increasea multi-million-dollar budget in just a few
years and see no increase in thequality of care or release through
9. Why would we call aprison a center for treatment (locked doors,
razor wire, ankle monitors, etc.)?
10.Why would we onlyrelease a handful in half a decade?
11.Why would we allow ONEperson to decide if someone needed treatment?
Even parole has a board of peopleto review release.
12.Why would we move fromoutpatient care of productive working citizens
that had served their time andwere attending regular therapy for treatment
to an inpatient facility (prisonwith another name) with no clear path for
Arewe to sit idle, and do nothing, or are we going to voice our concerns,
and tellthe State of New Jersey Law makers and the Nation, enough is
enough, and to endor reform this unfair, cruel, and punishing law?
Wemust now take the time, to take a stand, and to act now. The public
needs toget on board to abolish or reform this unfair Double Jeopardy Law
once and forall. Yes, it is a Double Jeopardy Law, what other crimes are
there that prosecutesyou twice for the same offense (Prison, Commitment
Center)? The law states itisn't double jeopardy, and that they are
committing you for treatment only, sowhy is treatment indefinitely?
Pleasenote that you never heard of a Politician, Doctor, Lawyer,
ProfessionalEntertainers, Sex Traffickers who use their power for sex, get
arrested,and then get Civilly Committed, after their sentence, Why?
Theway this law is going who knows, maybe Santa Claus, will be arrested
for beinga pervert, because he picks up children to sit on his lap. Who
knows what wouldhappens, would they stop singing Santa's Christmas songs?
Maybe you, afamily member or somebody you know will be the next person
getting arrested fora sex offense simply by bumping into a person, shaking
their hand, or theperson just wants to get back at you, sick isn't it.
Remember, unite we stand, divided we fall, in order toend the Sexual
Civil Commitment Law.
Allstates that have this unfair law needs to stand together and voice
their concerns.If not than this law will continue on for an indefinite
period of time.
Solet your voices be heard.
So, let's make what is WRONG a Right, please sign thispetition, so that
fair justice can be served, and Lady Justice can remove herblind fold, to
see the truth, once and for all.
Iam looking to obtain 5,000 plus signatures to be presented to the state
lawmakers. If me can get all the states that have the Civil Commitment
tofile a petition to abolish or reform the SVP- Sexual Civil Commitment
Law, weall stand a better chance to win.
Iflink is unable to open, just copy and paste into address bar.
1- FREE the men from the SHADOW PRISON-Texas Civil Commitment Centerin
Littlefield, TX
CivilCommitment Information Links:
If link is unable to open, just copy and paste into address bar.
1- NJ Treatment Facility Higher Covid Rate
2- Barbara Koeppel Sex Crime and Criminal Law
3- Virginia Bill to End Civil Commitment
4- Governor Explains Why The Minnesota Sex Offender Program is aCrock
5- Beyond Carceral Logic
6- Pretends Prisoners are patients
7- Man Dies in Civil Commitment
8- Served their sentence now they want to know when they can go home
9- Commitment of Sex Offenders/ Journal of Ethics
For executive order and/or legislation senate bill would end civil commitment of sex offenders by June 29, 2025. To reach goal of 100,000 for law makers to spearhead a push to repeal a decades old New Jersey's law that allows the state to hold certain sex offenders at the STU facility indefinitely "a potential death sentence" after their serving a criminal sentencing if they are deemed sexually violent predators.
New Jersey Civil Commitment Wrongful Punishment
To whom it may concern:
From Mr. Tinsley's Supporters regarding civil commitment system and to free Russel Mac-T Tinsley from the New Jersey Prison punishing him wrongfrully.
We are in support of Mr. Tinsley's Federal Lawsuit against the unjust civil commitment systems.
We have included with this message the below websites that will explain his case and how another Newark man was set free after wrongly convicted, serving seventeen years for a sex offence he did not commit and was wrongfully civilly committed at the New Jersey Prison.
Upon your review of the websites that we are providing and the review of the update Due Process Tv Show - Part I and II segments of the New Jersey Prison (STU) Special Treatment Units civil commitment program, interviews of Mr. Rodney Roberts, who was civilly committed at the New Jersey Prison punishing him wrongfully for seventeen years, we would ask you for your help to continue to expose to lawmakers, activists and the public about the civil commitment systems.
Especially, about Mr. Tinsley's case in our attempt to show that he too, was civilly committed at the New Jersey Prison punishing him wrongfully and on the same unjust civil commitment matters, as Mr. Rodney Roberts and others who were innocent of their convictions.
Based on your own review and the information we are providing on the websites, you will find that apparently (STU) - Civil Commitment Confinement is nothing more than a New Jersey Correctional Facility.
At the (STU) - Dr. Merrill Main, is the clinical director accused by women's alleged sexual misconduct and pay or employment in quality.
A female doctor, Dr. Vivian Shnaidman's sworn testimony alleged culture of sexual harassment at the New Jersey - Civil Commitment Center: Special Treatment Unit, against the clinical director Merrill Main. Click here to view pdf
Since Dr. Vivian Shnaidman's lawsuit settlement against the state of New Jersey and Dr. Merrill Main, that can be verified by visiting our websites below.
Please ask yourselves after several women sexual harassment allegations against Dr. Merrill Main, how is it that he is still the clinical director of the STU - Civil Commitment: Sex Offender Facility?
We wish for your support and Mr. Tinsley's freedom, from being civilly committed from the New Jersey Prison punishing him wrongfully. As well as to protect us all from unjust laws in malicious prosecutions to sue by power hungry government employees. We the people must protect society from dangerous individuals, but primarily, we the people must protect individuals from dangerous governments.
Thank you for taking the time to read this message. We hope that the websites and information they contain help you make a right decision you can support Mr. Tinsely's cause and be proud of!
Mr. Tinsely's Supporters
Russell Tinsley vs Merrill Main, etal2:2015-cv-07319 Federal Lawsuit in the United State District Court of New Jersey
Free Russell Tinsley
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