Hi Mac-T,
Here is something I wrote a while ago, thought you may find this
Big Jim
New York Times
620 8th Ave.
New York,
NY 10018
BigJim Freedom
Nov. 13, 2019
Dear Editor/Tips
Subject: Sexual CivilCommitment
Here is a controversial article that will turn heads around. The unfair
Sexual Civil Commitment Law needs to be investigated,aswell as the Special
Treatment Unit in Avenel, NJ., before people are afraid of talking to the
opposite sex. The way this law is, who knows when or who will be next to be
accused of a sexual offense. This law is only one-sided if you are accused
you are guilty but what about the person making the accusations, are they
always telling the truth about what really happened? Lives are being ruined,
families are being torn apart, all because of this unfair law.
Eleanor Roosevelt once said,, "Justice can not be for one side alone but
must be for both which needs to be fair and equal". Well it looks like the
lawmakers overlooked the Sexual Civil Commitment Law because this law is
only one-sided.
Whatever happened to the phase "We the People for the People"? Does this
mean that it applies to everybody except "sex offenders"? Sex Offenders are
people too, so where are their rights?
Sexual Civil Commitment seems to be designed to satisfy the politicians,
so they can get re-elected into public office. It is also a way for the
state to get money and to make it look like they are doing something.
It costs about $175,000 a year per offender to be committed. There are
approximately 700 civilly committed offenders in Avenel, New Jersey, that
equals to $122,500,000.00. This cost is for housing, medical, treatment and
security. (Here is a link that was written by CBS, dated June 22, 2010,
showing the cost to Sexually Civilly Commit a sex offender-
/ ) WHY, should New Jersey Taxpayers, pay for any treatment that the
state cannot prove works. I am sure they can use the money for better
issues. Please note, when you are civilly committed there is no time limit
to serve, therefore you can be committed indefinitely. If you happen to
get out, you will be on parole for life, sex registry, and where tolive and
to whom you can live with.
The Special Treatment Unit (STU), in Avenel, NJ is one such place that
needs to be investigated, in warehousing Sexually Civilly Committed Sex
Offenders. They are called residents not inmates but are treated worst then
prisoners in prison. The Correction Officers, Therapist's, treat them as
scum as well as the public. Their treatment program is one size fits all,
regardless of your sex crime. Therefore murders, rapists, kidnappers
and sexually assaulted crimes, are all under one treatment program. People
with developmental disabilities who can't do the programs are held
indefinitely, WHY? If you don't participate in the group, you are put on
Treatment Refusal, and some of your privilege's are denied.
If the program did work, why isn't there more residents released from
Civil Commitment Facilities around the nation, and why is it that there's no
information on how many are released?
In STU, there have been residents that have been murdered, where the
public has no information about this. There have been residents that have
been sexually assaulted (my son is one of them) by other residents,
which has never been reported to the public. It seems that any activity that
occurs is a hush up, and the public never hears anything about it.
There are residents that never did a crime in New Jersey, but they are
civilly committed, one such person is Russell Tinsley who is being
wrongfully held.( Link
https://dockets.justia.com/docket/new-jersey/njdce/2:2015cv07319/325525 and
https://www.pimpinentertainment.net/app/download/7119115356/ko.pdf )
Here is link to another Class Action Lawsuit filed by another civilly
confined detainees' dated Oct. 24, 2016. Obviously, there is
something wrong with this facility if they are constantly having class
action lawsuits against them. Also, it seems that nothing was ever done
about these lawsuits because every problem/issue that they had in October
2016, still exist today.
Is there any justice in America, under civil commitment for sex
offenders, at the STU's facility program? The answer is, NO!
There was a lawsuit filed by one of a the female psychiatric professionals,
Dr. Vivian Shanaidman, against the State of New Jersey Department of Human
Services Division of Mental Health Services - (DHS)-(STU) and she sued the
present facility Clinical Director Merrill Main (M.M.)for sexual harassment
and retaliation against her because of her complaints. There was a lawsuit
settlement, but how is it that (M.M.) is still the (STU) -Clinical
The Government of the State of New Jersey is clearly covering it up, by
intimidating the civil commitment judges, psychiatric and lawyers into
silence and writing fraudulent reports and negligent representation. Dr.
Vivian Shnaidman's successful lawsuit reports the reason for such secrecy,
discrimination against anyone, against this civil commitment abuse, because
of the injustice of keeping someone locked up for life, and under the fake
diagnosis to justify civil commitment because the(STU) can generate enough
dividends to be a taxpayers' expense! Learn more about this breathtaking
discovery.( Link to the lawsuit
The Special Treatment Unit (STU), in Avenel needs to be investigated for
their activities and for not providing adequate treatment, protection and
fairness to residents. If these residents are to succeed in society, then
they need to be respected, and treated with fairness so they can grow to be
productive citizens within today's society, if not what is the purpose of
the treatment?
The public needs to be made aware of the cost of maintaining these
residents, that is costing taxpayers millions, and millions of dollars per
year, and the inadequate treatment program that still exists today.
There must be an editorial posted, about the unfair conditions, outdated
treatment, and the cost that (Parole Supervision for Life, Sex Registry, and
Civil Commitment) is associated with this unfair Sexual Civil Commitment
In addition, how can you expect adequate treatment and fairness, if it is
under the control and care of a Sexually Charged Clinical Director's
Sexual Civil Commitment needs to be changed for the better or be
eliminated. If civil commitment is for sex crimes, then it should also be
for all crimes. This is a very unfair law with a lifetime of punishment. Why
is it that sex offenders, are civilly committed after they serve their
sentence but, Murders, Terrorist and Bullies, go free after their sentence
is served, only to be able to commit another crime?
If you must have this unfair law, then let it be for all violent
First-Degree Sex Crimes who are the worst of the worst, nota simple sexual
assault charge, or past charges that you were not convicted of.
The public must be made aware of this unfair Sexual Civil Commitment Law,
and the punishment that it is associated with. Judges, Attorney Generals and
Politicians are afraid to let a sex offender out, in fair they may commit
another crime, and that they will have to answer for their actions, which
for most likely cost them their job.
The release program is based on if you will offend again in the future.
This is absurd, unless you are inside their head there is no way, you will
ever know if they will commit a crime in the future, Therefore the offender
is held indefinitely .
Who knows, the way society is, you may be the next one to be charged with
a sex crime, and then and only then will you understand this unfair double
jeopardy law that provides endless punishment that exists today. See you at
the Special Treatment Unit, in Avenel, NJ, unless you happen to not be
charged in a sex crime.
As mentioned, the public needs to be made aware of this unfair Sexual
Civil Commitment Law.
If we are to have a Civil Commitment Law, then it should be for people,
who forcefully and violently break the law, not just for sex crimes.
Are law makers, becoming Communist, are we becoming a Police Nation, are
we a country that didn't fight for freedom? If not , then all criminals
who commit crimes, including sex crimes should have the right to serve their
sentence that is required of them, and to be set free.
How do you expect a sex offender to do better if you are constantly
punishing them by making them feel like scum, instead of treating them with
fairness, and making them feel like they are part of
society? Criminals in prison are treated with more respect and
fairness than sex offenders, receiving treatment.
Thanking you in advance for your reply, and your investigation.
Big Jim Freedom
Additional Link to Sexual Civil Commitmentarticles:
BarbaraKoeppel -
District Judge P.K. Reiter -
Special Treatment Unit -
BeyondCarceral Logic of Civil Commitment -
DetaineesSue Over Civil Rights in NJdated Oct. 26,2016 -
CC: Syndication@washingtonpot.com, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS
Willyou have the guts, to be the first news media, to make the public
aware of thisunfair punishing law?